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CyberCamp Santé #3 will take place on Thursday, February the 2nd, 2023 at ParisSanté Campus. It is THE event to attend for cybersecurity stakeholders at hospital. CISOs, IT and Information Systems teams, DPOs, Biomedical engineers: take advantage of our community’s expertise and experience!

With a legal and insurance focus, the event is co-organised by the Agence du Numérique en Santé (ANS) and Doshas Consulting, accompanied by cybersecurity experts in the field of digital health.

Based on concrete feedback from speakers and participants, the objective of the CyberCamp Santé is to create a link between cybersecurity and information systems professionals in healthcare, thanks to :

  • sharing of best practices in risk management

  • collaborative thinking on the issues of today and tomorrow

  • simulation and awareness through serious games

CyberCamp Health is reserved for health system professionals, who must complete the registration form to receive a personal invitation.


David Bigot

General Delegate of ROAM

Leading a professional association of 70 insurances, David Bigot will share his analisis about the insurance impact of health cybercriminality, and the best solutions to it.

Brunessen BERTRAND

Professor of Law at the University of Rennes 1

Specialized in Artificial Intelligence, Cyber, European and Digital Law, and Data Governance.



Chef d’Escadron, Commandant de la Gendarmerie dans le cyberespace

Trained as a lawyer, Matthieu Audibert is a police officer specialized in cybercrime. He heads the Cyber Cooperation and Partnerships Department within the Cyber Strategy and Crisis Management Division.


Territorial Development Manager at the Agence du numérique en santé

From CERT-Santé, Elodie Chaudron has a 360° view of cyber crises, and the exercises to be practiced in order to face them.

Steven Garnier

eHealth technical referent at the Agence Régionale de Santé Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.

At the forefront of territorial cybercrisis issues and the responses to them.

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